Foundation Policies

Eligible Institutions

  1. The DeMatteis Family Foundation makes grants only to private, publicly supported, not-for-profit, approved 501(c)3 tax-exempt agencies, institutions, and organizations.
  2. The Foundation makes grants to eligible institutions whose mission involves:
    • Education
    • Health and Human Services
    • Medical Research
    • Social Services
    • The Arts with a focus on the New York Metropolitan area.

Fundable Projects

In general, grants are restricted and may be made for projects and programs that enable the applicant to enhance its mission of serving the needs of the community. These projects include:

  • Facilities construction, expansion, renovation.
  • Acquisition of capital equipment.
  • Scientific/Medical research.
  • Projects and programs that enable the applicant to expand its mission through new or expanded programs to reach a greater segment of the community served.
  • Capital campaigns must be project oriented.

Declined categories

In general, the Foundation does not support grants for the following:

  • To cover operating deficits.
  • General operating support.
  • Endowments.
  • Loans, or financing of any kind.
  • Annual appeals, dinner functions and other special fund raising events.
  • Unrestricted funds.

Majority Support

In order to encourage applicants to broaden their base of support, the Foundation will generally not consider grant requests if the Foundation represents majority support for the project/program. Evidence of significant support from other donors must be submitted with the completed application.

Grant Size

Applicants are to provide details of the project/program costs, other sources of support, and remaining need for which aid is requested: applicants are asked not to request a specific grant amount; the Board of Trustees decides on the approved grant level.

Repeat Grants

All successful grants require a progress report on the completion of the project/program for which support is provided. The Foundation will not consider additional applications from the same organization until there is evidence of successful utilization of the original grant, and a reasonable period of time has elapsed between grant requests. This enables the Foundation to broaden its impact.

Duration of Grant

In general, most grants are made to cover projects that can be accomplished within one year. For construction and longer duration projects, grants may be structured to conform to identified milestones. For major projects, the payment of the grant may be over a number of years.

Progress Reports

The Foundation requires a progress report at the completion of the funded project to report progress and to verify that the funds are used for the stated purpose.

Challenge Grants

Where appropriate, the Foundation may utilize Challenge Grants, to be arranged with the applicant.

Site Visits

For major gifts, the Board may request that a site visit be made to provide necessary information for a complete review.

Post-Project Support

Grant applications for a continuing program should present evidence or a plan that the program will continue to receive all the necessary financial support from other sources after the Foundation grant is exhausted.